December Birthstones - Blue Topaz and Turquoise
Blue Topaz is a gemstone, in cut and polished form, it is used to make jewelry or other adornments. It also has other uses. Orange topaz, also known as precious topaz, is the conventional birthstone for November, the symbol of friendship and the state gemstone of the U.S. state of Utah. Blue topaz is the state gemstone of the US state of Texas.
Where it can be found
- Turquoise - It can be mined in the U.S., Mexico, Iran, Chile, China, and Tibet.
- Blue Topaz - Deposits of topaz have been found in Brazil, Afghanistan, Australia, Myanmar (Burma), China, Germany, Japan, Madagascar, Mexico, Namibia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Russia, Zimbabwe, Sri Lanka, Ukraine and the USA. Natural light-blue topaz is found in Northern Ireland and the UK.
Turquoise Facts
- For centuries, the most valuable turquoise came from Iran (Persia) but today some specimens mined in the southwestern United States compete with it.
- The Aztecs mined turquoise in an area now known as New Mexico and a significant amount of turquoise comes from Arizona, California and Nevada in the United States.
- Turquoise is often dyed and stabilized with resins to produce a harder stone which retains its color and polish.
- It is the traditional birthstone for December and the gemstone for the 11th anniversary and Turquoise is among the first gems to be mined.
- The presence of dark veins called matrix can lower the value but some people actually prefer the matrix for it's contrasting design.
- Turquoise is the national gem for Tibet and Turquoise is derived from the French expression "pierre tourques" or "Turkish stone".
Blue Topaz Facts
- There are three main shades of blue topaz – Sky, Swiss and London Blue. Sky and Swiss are on the lighter side while London Blue is a much deeper blue color, almost resembling sapphire.
- When gifted to a loved one, the blue topaz symbolizes eternal love and faithfulness.
- Blue Topaz is commonly found in brown and blue. However, a lot of people don’t know that it is also available in a wide range of other colors including yellow, orange, red, pink, violet and green. A rainbow gemstone for real.
- In ancient times, many people wore this gem to treat low immunity, obesity, anxiety, muscle cramps, joint pains and diabetes. The stone was not only said to heal physical and mental issues but also to prevent death.
- Blue Topaz is believed to attract wealth and money. This gemstone is also known to bring good fortune especially in the form of gold. Now, that’s a deal everyone would love!
- There’s another theory surrounding the origin of this vibrant gemstone’s name. Many believe ‘topaz’ was derived from the Sanskrit word ‘tapas’ which means fire.
Topaz is a silicate mineral of aluminum and fluorine with the chemical formula AlSiO(F,OH). It is used as a gemstone in jewelry and other adornments. Common topaz in its natural state is colorless, though trace element impurities can make it pale blue or golden brown to yellow orange. Topaz is often treated with heat or radiation to make it a deep blue, reddish-orange, pale green, pink, or purple.
Although it is often associated with golden yellow and blue, it comes in a variety of colors, including colorless. The rarest are natural pinks, reds, and delicate golden oranges, sometimes with pink hues.
Topaz is a nesosilicate mineral. It is one of the hardest naturally occurring minerals and has a relatively low index of refraction. It occurs in many places in the world.
Famous Women with December Birthdays
December 3 - Julianne Moore - American-British actress, prolific in films since the early 1990s.
December 9 - Judi Dench - English actress and author.
December 17 - Milla Jovovich - American actress, model, musician, and fashion designer.
December 18 - Christina Aguilera - American singer, songwriter, actress and television personality.
December 21 - Jane Fonda - American actress, writer, political activist, former fashion model and fitness guru.
Popular December Birthstone
Raw Blue Topaz Gemstone Necklace
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December Freebie
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