June Birthstones - Pearl, Alexandrite and Moonstone
Pearls are the only gemstones made by living creatures. Mollusks produce pearls by depositing layers of calcium carbonate around microscopic irritants—usually a grain of sand, as it’s commonly believed—that get lodged in their shells.
Where they can be found:
Pearls used to be found in many parts of the world, but natural pearling is now confined to the Persian Gulf waters near Bahrain. Australia owns one of the world's last remaining pearl diving fleets and still harvests natural pearls from the Indian Ocean. Today, most freshwater cultured pearls come from China.
Facts about Pearls
- Pearls are very soft, ranging between 2.5 and 4.5 on the Mohs scale. They are sensitive to extreme heat and acidity. In fact, calcium carbonate is so susceptible to acid that authentic pearls will dissolve in vinegar.
- The finest pearls have a naturally reflective luster, making them appear creamy white with an iridescent sheen that casts many colorful hues. Cultured freshwater pearls can also be dyed yellow, green, blue, brown, pink, purple or black.
- Today, most freshwater cultured pearls come from China. South Sea pearls are cultured along the northwestern coastline of Australia, the Philippines, and Indonesia.
A relatively modern gemstone, alexandrite was discovered in Russian emerald mines located in the Ural Mountains. Legends claim that it was discovered in 1834 on the same day that future Russian Czar Alexander II came of age; it was named to honor him.
Where they can be found:
The alexandrite mineral deposits found in the Ural Mountains have since been depleted. Today, alexandrite is found in Sri Lanka, Zimbabwe, and Brazil. Deposits have also been found in Burma, Madagascar, and Tanzania. Due to limited supply in nature, lab-grown alexandrite was created in the 1960s.
Facts about Pearls
- The alexandrite mined from Russia’s famed deposits set the quality standard for this gemstone. Today, most alexandrite comes from Sri Lanka, Brazil, and East Africa, generally paling in comparison to the vivid colors of Russian gemstones.
- With a hardness of 8.5 on the Mohs scale, alexandrite is softer than sapphire and harder than garnet—the other gemstones that can change color. However, due to its scarcity, alexandrite is more valuable than most gemstones, including rubies and diamonds.
- Often described as “emerald by day, ruby by night,” alexandrite is a rare variety of the mineral chrysoberyl that changes color from bluish green in daylight to purplish red under incandescent light.
June’s third birthstone, moonstone, was named by the Roman natural historian Pliny, who wrote that moonstone’s shimmery appearance shifted with the phases of the moon.
Where they can be found:
Moonstone can be found in a wide variety of places. This includes parts of the United States, such as New Mexico, North Carolina and Virginia. The most important world locations for the moonstone birthstone are India and Sri Lanka, but sources also include Brazil, India, Sri Lanka, Madagascar, Myanmar and Tanzania.
Facts about Pearls
- Moonstone is composed of microscopic layers of feldspar that scatter light to cause this billowy effect of adularescence. Thinner layers produce a bluish sheen, and thicker layers look white. Moonstone gems come in a range of colors spanning yellow, gray, green, blue, peach, and pink, sometimes displaying a star or cat’s eye.
- The finest classical moonstones, colorlessly transparent with a blue shimmer, come from Sri Lanka. Since these sources of high-quality blue moonstones have essentially been mined out, prices have risen sharply.
- This beautiful gemstone’s weakness is its relatively low hardness of 6 on the Mohs scale, making it prone to stress cracking and cleaving. Care is required with moonstone jewelry like rings or bracelets; so, sometimes brooches and pendants are preferred for long term durability.
Famous Women with June Birthdays
June 1 - Marilyn Monroe - was an American actress and model.
June 4 - Angelina Jolie - American actress, filmmaker, and humanitarian.
June 9 - Natalie Portman - actress, producer and director.
June 20 - Nicole Kidman - Australian actress and film producer.
June 22 - Meryl Streep - American actress and singer.
Popular June Birthstone
Raw Moonstone Gemstone Necklace
Large Infinity Drop Necklace
Two Birthstones Cluster Necklace
Personalized Initial Birthstone Necklace
Rough Cut Birthstone
Summer Birthstone Rings
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