October Birthstones - Pink Quartz
Pink Quartz is undoubtedly one of the most popular crystals and is very easy to come by. It is the stone of unconditional love, comes in shades of beautiful pink, and is versatile enough to be made into jewelry, talismans, artifacts, and ornaments.
Opal and Tourmaline are the Birthstones also for October. We use a beautiful light pink quartz as a birthstone of choice.
Where it can be found
Pink quartz is found in abundance in many deposits throughout the world. Much of the rose quartz that is sold today is produced in Brazil, South Africa, India, and Madagascar. Other sources include Namibia, Mozambique, and Sri Lanka.
Opal is found around the world (Brazil, Mexico, Honduras and the western US) however Australia produces 95% of the world's precious opal and it is our official national gemstone.
Tourmaline is mined chiefly in Brazil and many parts of Africa, including Tanzania, Nigeria, Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique, Malawi, and Namibia.Pink Quartz Facts
- Pink quartz is a translucent variety of quartz. Depending on the depth of the stone and the minerals it contains, the color may vary from a blush pale, pale pink to a dark rosy dusky pink.
- It's believed among crystal healers that rose quartz can promote feelings of self-love
- Pink quartz may be used to balance emotional health, release emotional blockages, and balance other chakras,” explains Birch.
- Pink quartz is one of the most historic of mankind's gemstones, with evidence of rose quartz beads being used for nearly 10,000 years by ancient empires such as the Assyrian, Egyptian, Roman, and Greek who also made amulets, talismans, seals, and ornamental object.
Tourmaline Facts
- The name “tourmaline” comes from the Sinhalese words tura mali, which mean “stone of mixed colors.” As its name implies, tourmaline stands apart from other gemstones with its broad spectrum of colors in every shade of the rainbow.
- Tourmaline is not one mineral, but a fairly complex group of minerals with different chemical compositions and physical properties. Certain trace elements produce distinct colors, and many resulting varieties have their own names.
- Dravite or brown tourmaline is rich in magnesium, which causes colors ranging from brown to yellow. It’s named for the Drave District of Carinthina (now Slovenia) where this stone is found.
- Verdelite or green tourmaline can resemble emerald. However, if its color is caused by chrome and vanadium, it’s called a chrome tourmaline.
Opal Facts
- The name “opal” originates from the Greek word opallios, which meant “to see a change in color.” The Roman scholar Pliny used the word opalus when he wrote about this gemstone’s kaleidoscopic “play” of rainbow colors that could simulate shades of any stone.
- Dozens of opal varieties exist, but only a few, such as fire opal and boulder opal, are universally recognized. Opals are often referred to by their background “body color” of black or white.
- Opal’s characteristic “play-of-color” was explained in the 1960s, when scientists discovered that it’s composed of microscopic silica spheres that diffract light to display various colors of the rainbow. These flashy gemstones are called “precious opals.” Those without play-of-color are “common opals.”
- Wearing opal jewelry is well worth the extra care, though. This October birthstone has remained a popular choice for centuries.
Pink Quartz is most commonly associated with love, in all of its forms, although many people tend to focus on the sexual relationship aspect of love when describing the qualities of this crystal.
Tourmaline is a symbol of love, peace and joy. It represents the energy of relaxation by transforming negative energy into positive. Tourmaline helps polarize people's emotions, heals a broken heart and produce compassion and wisdom when dealing with others.
Opals are the older birthstones of October associating with loyalty, faithfulness and confidence. The word comes from the Latin “opalus” meaning “precious jewel.” Necklaces with opals set in them were worn to repel evil and to protect eyesight.
Famous Women with October Birthdays
October 2 - Kelly Ripa - American actress, dancer, talk show host, and television producer.
October 8 - Bella Thorne - American actress, singer, author, model and dancer.
October 11 - Cardi B - American rapper
October 21 - Kim Kardashian - American television and social media personality.
October 25 - Katy Perry - American singer, songwriter and actress.
October 26 - Rita Wilson - American actress, singer, activist, and producer.
October 28 - Julia Roberts - American actress and producer.
Popular October Birthstone
Raw Pink Quartz Gemstone Necklace
Three Birthstones Cluster Necklace
Six Birthstones Cluster Necklace
Large Infinity Drop Necklace
October Freebie
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